Sunday, December 28, 2008


I decided to start blogging today because Jake Gibbs talked about how he was starting a blog about his illness and his relationship with Jesus.

I have always admired people like him who hear truth and immediately want to share truth and experiences with others to encourage them. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps his mouth shut
is a verse I kept close to my heart, but swinging the opposite direction and never speaking up is a disservice to your brothers and sisters if you can encourage them, but don't. That is my struggle: being to timid to speak up, even when I have something to say. I want everything I say to be original, witty, or clever. But even things that we might think are simple or old news, will encourage others (I am learning this every day as I am encouraged by others). So I admire men who want to spread truth to others, men like Jake Gibbs, Doc Smith, and Jason Savage, who speak up when they know they are speaking truth. This blog will be a way for me to encourage myself and others and witness to God and declare his truth to others (and myself).

May the Lord enable me to encourage others.

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