Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hebrews 1:8

But to the Son, Your throne, God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.

This quotation is taken from Psalm 45:6-7.

Throughout this section (if you notice there are a lot of quotes taken from the OT and especially Psalms) I am trying to look at the original context of the quotes as a help to interpreting how Paul might be using it in Hebrews. So following that trend, lets look at Psalm 45.

The title indicates it is a wedding Psalm. It is praising the king on his wedding day. In the previous verses, it praises him for his splendor and glory. He is pictured as mighty and strong, pictured in an idealized. "In your majesty ride forth in victory...let the nations fall beneath your feet." This is the high language of this Psalm.

So Paul in verse 6-7 sees the Lords anointed, the Messiah, Jesus, "Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, a scepter of justice (righteousness) will be the scepter of your kingdom."

Angels are servants, but Jesus reigns (he sits on a throne). In fact he sits on his throne forever (literally into the age of the ages, or into the eternal of eternals; I love the way they say eternal in this place).

And like God, his scepter (or staff) is justice, righteous and it is the basis of his kingdom. At a time when everyone has to discover or find their own sense of "right." Christians stand in stark contrast by believing that Jesus and God are our standard of right and to be right we have to follow them.

An example of this is our attitudes towards sexuality in the States. Whatever you do in your bedroom is your business. Pornography is not wrong, it is just something guys need to do. However, Jesus stands up and has the audacity to tell us, If you lust in your heart, you might as well have cheated on your wife and that is wrong. Or thinking of others and thinking of how you might please God is more important than making money (storing up treasures in heaven). That is right. He teaches us right and wrong. It is the basis of the kingdom we are a part of.

So in this verse we find Jesus sitting on a throne (as opposed to the angels who are servants.) Psalm 45 continues in the next verse....(I will write about it soon)

1 comment:

  1. preach it! im so glad we have a reason and purpose behind things we do and justice we strive for.
