Monday, October 26, 2009

Utmost 10/26

I read My Utmost for His Highest for 10/26

I have been reading a biography on George Whitefield recently. For those who don't know, he was an evangelistic preacher in the 1700's who traveled throughout England and the 13 colonies and was a part of what would later be known as "The Great Awakening." The message he carried with him was the importance of the New Birth and joining one's heart with the Lord. He always emphasized loving the Lord more than all else.

He was a man who did great work and who saw the importance of keeping God's purposes first. Even though at times he was tempted to focus on peripheral things, he always focused on what he believed to be his calling, preaching Grace to sinners.

Today we are focusing on good things. There are groups like International Justice Mission and others that help the oppressed in this world. But these groups must be outgrowths of the Gospel message, not replacements of it. As Christians our central and foundational thoughts must always come back to the Gospel message (Colossians 1:21-23).

Let us not forget. If start putting the cart before the horse, we might wind up running straight into a ditch.

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