Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have begun reading Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards. Here are a few thoughts from the beginning.

Today, especially in younger Christian circles, we have been emphasizing good works, helping the poor, freeing the oppressed, being kind, so on. But we must be careful not to forget about the hearts of the matter, because "true religion in a great part consists in holy affections." I know we emphasize good works, but where is the heart.

At the beginning of his work, Edwards says that all our affections come from the soul. And one of the great differences between true religion and false religion is where the heart of our soul is, where our affections lie.

Because the Bible does not just call us to good works. Instead the way I would think of it is that works are the outgrowth of the affections of our soul. Fantasy football is huge today. One ESPN reporter said that over 27 million people play fantasy football. On average, they spend nines hours a week playing it during the football season. I would say then that the people's soul loves fantasy football, therefore their actions show it: they play it over nine hours a week on it.

It begins in the soul, what the soul loves or hates. If the soul loves something, then their actions will reflect it. So if in the church today we are merely talking about our actions, being kind, freeing the poor and so on, we are missing a big part of the equation.

Instead here is what the Bible calls us to Romans 12:11, Deuteronomy 6:4-6, Deuteronomy 10:12, Deuteronomy 30:6. Edwards puts it like this, "True religion is evermore a powerful thing; and the power of it appears, in the first place in the inward exercises of it in the heart, where is the principal and original seat of it." (
Religious Affections part 1).

We can do these good works without any concern or care for God, but that is not what he calls us to. Again here is Edwards, "If we be not in good earnest in religion, and our wills and inclinations be not strongly exercised, we are nothing. The things of religion are so great, that there can be no suitableness in the exercises of our hearts, to their nature and importance, unless they be lively and powerful." And here is the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:5.

So here is the question I have for us today, what stirs your spirit? Is it God? Is it fantasy football? What excites you the most?

And though true grace has various degrees, and there are some that are but babes in Christ, in whom the exercise of the inclination and will, towards divine and heavenly things, is comparatively weak; yet everyone that has the power of godliness in his heart, has his inclinations and heart exercised towards God and divine things, with such strength and vigor that these holy exercises do prevail in him above all carnal or natural affections, and are effectual to overcome them: for every true disciple of Christ “loves him above father or mother, wife and children, brethren and sisters, houses and lands: yea, than his own life." From hence it follows, that wherever true religion is, there are vigorous exercises of the inclination and will towards divine objects: but by what was said before, the vigorous, lively, and sensible exercises of the will, are no other than the affections of the soul. (
Religious Affections part 1)

So we all stand here asking ourselves, what excites me? How is my prayer life? Do I read God's word daily? Do I love God with all my heart, soul, and everything in me?

I hope this has challenged you as much as me. Moreso, I hope we all turn our soul's affections towards the one who created us, redeemed us, forgave us, and loves us.

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