Friday, November 20, 2009


The next attribute we have as true Christians is zeal, excitement. This like all the other characteristics grows from our affections.

If your affections dwell on fantasy football, then you will have zeal and excitement for it. If they dwell on shopping or getting a good deal, then you will be rolling out of bed at 2 am and fighting the crowds a week from today.

If your affections focus and remain on God you will have zeal for 2 things.

First, you will have zeal for doing good. Titus 2:11-14. In this passage, God's grace has appeared. As a result (not a consequence), we flee ungodliness and move towards godliness. And Jesus' people are characterized as having zeal for good works. We know this and most people outside the church understand this about us. We as a people should move towards social justices (see IJM). This is a good thing and what many people forget is that it has been a part of Christianity since the beginning. Christians have always sought good works with zeal (or at least should have). I was reading about some early Christians and their involvement with fighting plagues. While others were sending the sick away during plagues, Christians nursed the sick. Some caught the different illness and joined the dead. Others just helped the sick. Either way, while others ran, Christians had a zeal for good works.

Second, you will have zeal for Jesus. Revelation 3:15-20. Here we find Jesus going for a drink. But the water is not cold, which is refreshing, and it is not hot, which is soothing. Instead it is room temperature and tastes like feet. What else can he do but spit it up. Christians without any zeal are about to be spit up. In this passage, the people put their affections on earthly and material things. They were wealthy. They were wearing designer togas. But Jesus only sees them as poor and naked. Their affections and their zeal rest only on things here. Jesus says instead let them rest on me, I offer so much more.

Affections and zeal are closely related. As Christians let us turn our zeal towards good works and towards Jesus. He is the one who has given us grace and provided forgiveness through the cross.

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