Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have found this devotional reading to be helpful. I tend to find belief (thinking) to be easy but the internal reactions (feelings) to be harder. So this is perfect for me because it is challenging me in areas that I need help.

In Matthew 5:3-4, Jesus restates something that is found throughout God's word: God is near those who are sorrowful. We last looked at joy, but on the opposite side of the same coin fits sorrow as one of our religious affections. Sorrow is in the heart of every true Christian.

Let's look at more Bible verses:

Psalm 34:16-17, here we see that the Lord is near those who are low and he saves them. So this adds some light to what Jesus said, because it is God who comforts those who mourn.

Isaiah 61:1-2, if these words sound familiar that is because Jesus quoted them in Luke 4:16-21. In Luke, Jesus applies them to himself basically as his inaugural address. He uses these words to start off his ministry.

Psalm 51:16-17, the Psalmist contrasts here what pleases God. God does not delight in mere temple sacrifice. Religious actions without a religious heart mean nothing to him. Prayer without a prayerful heart means nothing. Singing for the sake of singing means nothing. But a broken and humble spirit he will not despise. Take a glance at the title of this Psalm. David wrote this at one of the lowest points of his life. He was repenting and sorrowful over his sin with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah.

Isaiah 57:15, God is said to dwell in two places here: He is above the heavens controlling and running the universe. He is the mighty King over all kings. Everything bows to him. But also he is with him who is low in spirit. He is with them to revive them. Wow! Isaiah 66:1-2 reinforces this point. Wow!

Why is sorrow, humility, and lowliness such an exalted attribute?

Part of many of our evil actions is arrogance. We do not want to obey and then we puff up and decide to follow our own way.

It is interesting, Sorrow is not opposed to joy in the Bible. Instead sorrow and joy are both good characteristics. No, sorrow is opposed to pride and arrogance.

The sorrowful understand their lot: they need God, they gladly obey. He is their only source of life and grace, where else can we turn. If you do not see yourself as a brokenhearted captive, a prisoner, mourning and in need of God's favor then he cannot help you.

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