Friday, November 13, 2009


What is our proper response to sin? A part of true Christianity and true Christians is a proper response to sin. So how should we respond to it?

Let's see what the Bible puts before us.

In Psalm 97:10, it reads that those who love the Lord need to hate sin.

Again in Psalm 119:103-104, the man who finds God's ways sweet, find false ways completely bitter. They hate them.

Again in Psalm 139:20-22, man hates those who hate the Lord. He hates those who sin maliciously against God.

In Proverbs 8:12-13, says that the fear of the Lord is hatred of evil.

Finally, lest we think hatred of evil is from the mean Old Testament God and Jesus and the New Testament only Love, Romans 12:9, says first that Love must be sincere and part of this sincere love is hating what is evil.

The bible tells us that God is completely righteous. Sin stands in contrast to God's righteousness. Therefore we must abhor any sin, especially any sin within us.

We cannot dabble, play-around, or rollick in sin. It is the opposite of God. It is what he saved us from. Our proper response is hatred of sin. We cannot let it be a part of our lives. Thank the Lord that he saved us from the depths, mud, and mire of our own sin. His grace is wonderful. We hated light and loved the darkness, but he forgives us. He brings us out of sin. Thanks be to God for the grace he provides through Jesus. Damn sin. Hate it, for it is opposed our Good and Gracious God.

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